Bently Skunkworks
A division of Purple Flamingo Pottery
A division of Purple Flamingo Pottery
Bently Skunkworks is a subsidiary of Purple Flamingo Pottery. By definition, in a “Skunkwork” operation, the designs, manufacturing and direction taken at the studio is independent of outside influence. Fortunately, or unfortunately, whichever the case may be…Troy Allen is the instigator in all aspects of these finished products.
With a background in business management during working hours and the creation of woodworking projects, sheep farms, landscaping designs, painting and at one time competition solo bagpiping after hours, ceramics and pottery came naturally. The exciting difference for me is that this media is permanent and waterproof. Since I have always toyed with plants and trees, the creation of bonsai pottery was an easy and rewarding step forward.
I hope you find some of these items interesting. I do, or I would not have snapped my fingers and made them come alive. I’d like to thank Anne Thomas for all she has done to make this dream come alive and prosper. I can be reached at troy@purpleflamingopottery.com for any reason other than delivering food or giving you a ride to the dentist.
Troy Allen